Our Offer

Admissions & New Starters
All learners who attend Redwood School have a Education and Health Care Plan. As a local authority maintained special school, we are governed by the admissions arrangements laid down by Rochdale Borough Council.
For further information please contact Rochdale School Admissions using the link on this page or the contact details below.

01706 925981

School Admissions / Early Help and Schools.
Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU
When should I think about applying my child?
Admissions to school are possible at any time during the school year if there is a place available. However, most learners start with us each September.
Should any parent / carer wish to enquire about an admission or place at Redwood, they should in the first instance contact their SEN officer at the Local Authority 01706 925140.
Can I apply directly to Redwood?
Whilst we are happy to show you around school, and answer any questions you might have, we are not able to offer places directly. If you would like to come for a look around school, we offer regular after school monthly transition tours. To book a place on a tour, please ring the school office on 01706 750815.
Families need to contact the Rochdale SEND Team on 01706 925981, and they will explain the process in more detail.
How to apply for transport:
The local authority provides transport free of charge to school or college for students with disabilities and/or learning difficulties in those cases where it is considered essential. This provision is between home and the nearest school or college that can address the particular needs of the young person. If a young person chooses to attend a school or college with an equally suitable course which is further away from home, then it is understood they will be required to make their own travel arrangements to and from that school or college.
To appy, please complete the application form found here: Reduced or free school travel | School transport | Rochdale Borough Council and send via email to SEN@rochdale.gov.uk or by post to
SEN Assessment Team
Rochdale Borough Council
Number One Riverside – Floor 4,
Smith Street,
OL16 1XU