Our Offer

Behaviour Principles - Written Statement
At Redwood, relationships matter.
Building positive relationships are vital to develop trust and connection. They enable our learners to feel safe and secure.
Our approach to behaviour follows a relational approach.
At Redwood, we:
Treat each young person with dignity and respect.
View all behaviour as communication; we listen and seek to understand.
Focus on repairing relationships (restorative and not punitive)
Recognise that emotions and learning are connected, and that anxiety is the enemy of learning.
View each incident as a learning opportunity, teaching the skills needed to regulate.
Never judge and always show empathy.
Model behaviour (as staff), remaining calm and regulating our own responses.
View each young person developmentally, providing a personalised response.
Understand each young person’s wider context.
Recognise the importance of having the correct provision for each learner.
Understand the significance of transition.
Give each young person a fresh start every moment.