Our Offer

Performance Data - 2023/24:
Link to school performance measures website (GOV.UK): Redwood - Compare school and college performance data in England - GOV.UK (compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk)
Learners are assigned to qualification pathways that are challenging, yet achievable. The profile of each year group varies, so we don not expect to statistically compare achievements year on year.
In 2023/24:
62 learners achieved at least 1 qualification.
11 different qualifications were achieved.
A breakdown is shown on the right:

Key Stage 4 - GCSE's
2023 - 24 is the first academic year learners have been entered for English Literature.
All learners entered for a GCSE examination achived a grade.
Average attainment 8 score across the year 11 learners is 7.7 5.

Key Stage 4 - Entry Level Qualifications
27 learners in year 11.
Mean number of entry level qualifications per learner in year 11 is 2.4.
Mode number of entry level qualifications per learner in year 11 is 4.

Key Stage 4 - Other Qualifications​
Duke Edinburgh Bronze Awards achieved by year 10 and year 11 learners.
Bronze Certificates: 6 learners
Bronze Full Award: 24 learners
Industry qualifications achieved by learners in years 11 in preparations for the internship.
Health & Safety: 2
Manual Handling: 2
Food Hygiene: 2
Key Stage 5 - GCSE's​
All learners entered for GCSE examination achieved a grade.
Learners were in year 12 or year 13.
Maths exam was a resit.
Results shown on the right:

Key Stage 5 - Other Qualifications
Duke of Edinburgh Silver Awards achieved by year 12 and year 14 learners:
Silver (certificate): 6
Silver (full award): 12
Industry qualifications achieved by learners in years 12 and 14 in preparation for the internship:
Health & Safety: 9
Manual Handling: 9
Food Hygiene: 9
Year 14 Destinations:
Total learners: 33
Total learners moved onto college: 24 (73%)
Total learners moved onto accessing social care provision: 3 (9%)
Total learners gained employment (paid and/or voluntary): 4 (12%)
Total learners NEET: 2 (6%)