Our Offer

Duke of Edinburgh Award
At Redwood, we take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award as students work towards three main outcomes. These outcomes are, to develop team work and communication skills, to increase self esteem and confidence and to promote independence and resilience.

The Long Term Plan...

DofE Vision...

Recently we took our Silver Duke of Edinburgh students to Barnstondale Centre in The Wirral!
Watch this video to have a look at what we got up to, everyone had a great time, learning new skills!
Volunteering Success!
One of our students has been volunteering in EXB 3:
“Since starting volunteering in our classroom, Naimen has developed his communication and interaction skills so much over the past few weeks and has gained confidence with the staff and the students. He is now starting and continuing conversations with staff and our most vocal student. Today we took part in a Learning Outside the Classroom experience and he was asked to support a student which he did brilliantly. He walked with her, helped her pick leaves and needed no prompting whatsoever. When he was required to switch and work with another student, he did so and guided them back to the activity in a fantastic manner, needing very little prompting and guidance. We praised him and told him so, but I thought it important to pass on the extent to which he has improved and how much he was valued by us today.” - Andy EXB teacher.