Our Offer

The Semi - Formal / Formal Curriculum Model
Semi - Formal Curriculum
Our Discover pathway is designed for students that would benefit from a semi-formal approach to learning. Through a combination of tutor and specialist lead provision, the curriculum provides a structured learning activities, life skills, hands-on practical discovery, intensive interaction, and learning through play. It is anticipated that these students will sit between build and initiate and over the next 12 months we will explore in more depth what pathways are pertinent for our learners.
Click to here view the discover model.
Formal SEND
Our Build pathway is designed for learners where the provision will focus on their cognition and learning. Following a formal based curriculum, students who are likely to be below age related expectations, learning is set up to be more functional and related to their own experiences. It is both skill and context based and encourages active engagement in learning.
Students in this pathway at KS4 will pursue accreditation that is appropriate to support the development of functional skills and increase independence. They will be able to continue these in appropriate post 16 destinations.
Click to here view the build model.
Formal SEND
Our Boost pathway is for students who are working within typical or near typical age-related expectations. This pathway is designed to deliver the NC within a smaller class setting providing key specialist staff within a mainstream secondary school setting.
Students on this pathway will continue to access the NC and will be able to gain accreditations based on their cognitive abilities and areas of interest. Students will sit GCSE or BTEC assessments and exams whilst continuing to focus on their personal and physical development.