Our Offer
Policies and Important Information
Here is where you will find all our policies to view and download:
Positive Behaviour and Inclusion
Charging & Remissions
DFE Privacy Notice
PSHE Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Attendance Policy
Sex and Relationships Education
SEND Information Report
Privacy Notice Pupil
Financial Benchmarking and Insights Tool:​​
Please click this link to view: Your school - Financial Benchmarking and Insights Tool - GOV.UK
Number of employees whose benefits exceed 100k:​
Redwood School has one employee whose benefits exceed the stated limit.
Link to The Eqaulity Act 2010: Advice for Schools:
Complaints Information:
Complaints Procedure
We are always pleased to hear from people who appreciate the great work going on at Redwood School.
We also understand that concerns can occasionally arise.
Redwood School always aims to resolve concerns and complaints at the earliest possible stage.
Your child’s class teacher will be happy to help you with any worries or concerns you may have.
If you feel you need to raise your queries or concern, please feel free to contact our office (01706 750815 / info@redwood-school.com)
Here is a link to the local authority Complaints Procedure: (School complaints | Complaints, compliments and comments | Rochdale Borough Council)
I have a concern...
-Raise with the class teacher
-Concerns can also be raised with the office, a senior leader, or the headteacher
Email: info@redwood-school.com
Phone: 01706 750815
In Writing: Redwood School, Hudsons Walk, Rochdale OL11 5EW
I have a complaint...
-Complaints can be raised with the office, the class teacher, a senior leader, or the headteacher.
My concern/ complaint has not been resolved...
-Make a formal complaint to the Headteacher
-Raise the complaint with the Chair of Governors
Equalities Objectives:
Under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) the school is required to set Equality Objectives.
Our published information must be updated annually, and objectives published at least once every four years.
Objective 1: Ensure that consistently good quality of teaching and learning enables pupils, including the most disadvantaged, to make good progress from their starting points.
We ensure that all barriers to learning are considered in our Curriculum offer and lessons are adapted to promote inclusion for all. Lessons are planned with learners’ E.H.C.P. targets in mind and adapted to meet needs.
Our dedicated Pathways are designed to offer a provision bespoke to our learners’ diverse needs, to promote access to learning for all. Our curriculum offer is reviewed regularly to ensure that it meets need.
Objective 2: Ensure that the curriculum promotes cultural awareness, reflects diversity and challenges stereotypes or discrimination.
This is implemented across the school day and by use of our curriculum calendar, tutor times, PSED lessons and targeted assemblies (see our Curriculum Days and Events Calendar). The learners at Redwood have a range of complex needs and varying ability to regulate their emotions and behaviours. On rare occasions, pupils use discriminatory language or display discriminatory behaviour. This is not accepted and is always challenged.
Staff record all incidents of discriminatory behaviour and put personalised interventions in place to reduce and eliminate this behaviour. We make it clear to all stakeholders that this behaviour is not acceptable, whilst recognising that changing behaviour takes time, so additional support will need to be implemented to support staff, learners and families involved.
Objective 3: Ensure that learners’ emotional well-being is prioritised alongside their academic achievement.
Daily emotion checks are completed by all lead class staff. Wellbeing Wednesday Curriculum Days are embedded Termly. Staff can refer learners for well- being interventions via our Safeguarding Team and for interventions from external agencies.
At Redwood we have a dedicated team of staff and leaders who actively promote the emotional well-being of all young people. We have two trained Senior Mental Health Leads who work alongside the Safeguarding Lead to promote positive well-being for all staff and learners.