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Main School Body Years 12 -14
Below are the different routes you can take in Years 12- 14 Main School Body

Route Two - (SFI) Skills for Independence - Years 12-14

The aim of the SFI route is to prepare students for adulthood- both through Redwood internal units to support their entrance to college and through practical activities to further develop their life skills.

We aim to guide students towards being confident, informed, cooperative and pro-active. Focus is placed upon being able communicators and viewing themselves in terms of their individual abilities and how their contribution supports the wider group or community.

We aim to support our learners to become as independent as they can, dependent upon their individual needs and abilities.  Students have the opportunity to work towards achieving Edexcel certification in Maths, English and a BTEC in Vocational Studies.  To promote the personal and social development of learners, Skills for Independence students will follow a timetable designed to enhance student self-esteem, their aspirations and their contribution to the community. This activity-based curriculum  will promote the development, assessment, and accreditation of key skills and other personal and social skills, with an emphasis on co-operation, teamwork and rewarding achievement.  Independence skills are delivered throughout the complete curriculum, with reference to EHCP outcomes and AR targets where appropriate.

Key skills are incorporated throughout the lessons and progress is recorded through Earwig, written recording and data sheets.


The curriculum for English at Redwood school is central to the development, progress, achievement and attainment of our students. The ability to communicate, whether through speech, writing or non-verbal gesture, is pivotal to our students’ engagement with, and understanding of, the world around them.  The English curriculum is designed to give all our students a broad and balanced experience of language and literature, ensuring that their learning experience is relevant and engaging. Learning is planned and sequenced to ensure that accumulated knowledge can be revisited, consolidated and enhanced as pupils journey through Redwood.

Throughout their time at Redwood, students are given opportunities to progress and achieve in English at a level which is appropriate for their needs.

The focus of English across KS5 is to develop functional skills in preparation for adulthood and to enable further independence and self-advocacy.   All students in SFI are baselined and students working at Entry 1 or above are following the Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills programme, leading to formal accreditation. Content is transferable to other subjects taught at KS5 and complements a range of subject areas, allowing incorporation of Language across the Curriculum.  Students working towards or below Entry Level 1 work on an internal recognition programme which links into the curriculum topics set for that year. Examples of topics covered are: Shopping and Money, Food and Planning a Party, Sports and Hobbies.

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