Our Offer

Our Safeguarding Statement​
Redwood Secondary School is dedicated to safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. The school provides a safe environment, teaching personal safety, anti-bullying, drug awareness, and safe internet use. Policies for child protection and health and safety are strictly followed. Staff undergo rigorous recruitment checks, including DBS clearance. Designated child protection officers oversee practices, and the governing body is regularly updated. Every adult in the school is responsible for maintaining high awareness and addressing any unsafe practices promptly.
Safeguarding Documents​

If you have a safeguarding concern regarding a learner or member of staff from Redwood School, please get in touch.
Email: info@redwood-school.com
Telephone: 01706 750815 (Rochdale Hudsons Walk site) 0161 672 2000 (Middleton REEC site)
Here is a summary of useful safeguarding webpages:
UK Council for Internet Safety: Information for governing boards and proprietors.
London Grid for Learning: Guidance on videos and livestreaming.
Childline: Support services.
UK Safer Internet Centre: Reporting and removing harmful online content.
CEOP: Advice on reporting online abuse.
Our school is now part of Operation Encompass. This unique Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership. Enabling schools to offer immediate support for children and young people experiencing domestic abuse. More information: https://www.operationencompass.org/